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 Post subject: Current maplist
PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:17 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:51 pm
Posts: 3
Location: Mountain View, California
Hiya! Was bored so I thought I'd come by and give a quick description of the maps running on this server. I suspect at the moment the majority of people who'll read this are RQ players who've not touched HL2DM, so this could be informative! Up until last week I just had all my maps running, but in order to speed up gameplay a few maps have been removed from rotation until I hear requests otherwise, improve them, feel like it, or never. Also Source (terrible engine name btw) is far more complex than Quake was so often it's impossible to make a map and debug it fully until you see it in play with several people for several hours. The "v" and the end of each filename represents which version the map is in, in case you hadn't guessed. Unlike many mappers I'm never gonna have a "_final" in my mapname cause like science... you can never quite predict when someone's going to point out an existing major flaw.

So anyway, here's what's up (or not up as the case is):

dm_wtc_singe_v7 : My first attempt at mapping since I made a couple Slide and QTank maps like 10 years ago. It's a full-size replica of the world trade center towers! It's been up since like Feburary 2005. No internal floors, just the tower rooftops, some lower rooftops, and the plaza area.

dm_killsphere_v7 : A tribute to HLDM's killbox. Unlike the killbox it's huge and detailed (killbox was tiny and efficient, no detail for faster framerates) and above 10 players on my compy can get down to like 5-10 frames a second.

fy_iceworld_simulator_v5 (DISABLED) : Sort of a tribute to CS's fy_iceworld. Actually I just wanted to exploit the 3d skybox effect and have a map with an "inner" and "outer" room. iceworld is simple enough to use as a template. Unfortunately it can get real choppy in the outer room cause in the outer room it has to render both the outer room and all details (but in miniature) of the inner room. I'll probably reenable this at some point when I randomly feel like it.

dm_4_thebadplace_v3 : A simple dm4 port with no new gimmicks. You people know this level. 'nuff said.

dm_citadel_freeway_v1 (DISABLED) : Huge unfinished map where people race along sand dunes, a raised freeway over water, and around the base of a full-sized Citadel. It's still fullbright and is way too boring if the server's not full, at least until I manage to implement points-for-laps so people will actually start racing. I plan to reenable this (for a while at least) once I have a more complete version ready.

dm_vdeth1_v5 : Before I did Quake stuff I made a bunch of Doom2 deathmatch maps to play with my friends over a BBS back in high school. I've been remaking them in hl2dm cause they're small, fast-paced, and since overall structure has already been made I can concentrate on trying out little gimmicks in gameplay and architecture and whatnot. Lotta random stuff in this level to use. Mounted laser turret, killsticks, etc.

dm_menger_v2 (DISABLED) : My experimental attempt at making a 3-iteration Menger sponge fractal into a playable deathmatch. It's playable, it works, it's perhaps even fun with a full load of players. But it's just too fucking big and so it's hard to find people and have fun. Maybe it'd be an awesome map on, say, a 64 player server. I'll reenable this if I can figure a way to make it more fun, otherwise it's out for good in this engine.

dm_vdeth2_v4 : Second doom2 map remake. Among various things this one has a 'jail' you can teleport people to by touching them with teleport wands.

dm_e1m7_houseofcthon_v3 : You guys know this level too! However this one I added a major gimmick to. Huge energy barriers divide the space into team-specific sides (if teamplay is off the barriers allow anybody through however). The electrodes normally used to kill Cthon will now when activated suck everybody on the opposing side into the lava (now slime) pit in the middle. Both can go off at once, but you only need one electrode down and charged to activate the device. I also stole a sexy stargate model from dav0r for the map to replace the stargate-shaped slipgate in the original. Also there's a small melee-weapon-only fight club room. :)

dm_vdeth3_v3 : Third doom2 map remake. This one has a suppression mortar mounted gun as well as the rocket turret the last map has and the laser turret the last two vdeths have. This one also has a supercharger hidden in some underground caverns.

dm_ccelerator_v2 : This is an experimental map concept that has turned out really well. It's my favorite map! Two bases cap the end of a half-mile long corridor. The corridor acts like a wind tunnel, propelling players and objects at immense speeds down it. It's divided into two halves, one direction and the other. There's other various features added recently that reduce cheap behavior in teamplay, but too much to bother explaining here right now.

And that's it! I'm working on vdeth4 next and after that I want to do a Rocket Arena style thing, except the map will have several 1-on-1 arenas in it so people don't have to wait for a match to end if they want to get their frag on now.

Last edited by Singe on Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:18 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:47 pm
Posts: 35
Location: North Carolina
i wish i had that game... sounds totally aWESOME.

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