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Level Rotation and Handling with Custom Maps |
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Author: | Mezmorki [ Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Level Rotation and Handling with Custom Maps |
So, I've been doing a little brainstorming on functionality for handling level rotation and custom map support in RQ. I think Slot Zero is taking a look at some of this functionality (since the fixed order rotation appears to be broken ATM), maybe this will serve as additional design inspiration! Here's what I'd love to see: If/when game mode settings are handled in config files (instead of QC), having game mode specific map lists would awesome, doubly so if they could managed in the config file as well. Ideally, maps would be listed in the config file (or QC for a given mode if that doesn't work) along with a min-player and max-player value. The min's and max's would be instead of having separate non-overlapping map lists based on small, medium, and large maps. When the level rotation code runs, it looks at the map list for current game mode, finds the current map (or stores the ID value of the current map) and then looks for the next one down the list that satisfies the current number of players. It seems like it could be fairly straight forward? The "custom" console command (which lasts the custom maps) would need to be reworked in terms of what it displays, maybe simply presenting matrix of all the maps their listed order with columns for min and max players? Admins could list the maps roughly in order of size if they wanted to keep the visual sorting easier. I say this all as someone who has about 500 custom maps want to get a nice set of ~150 to draw from and available for different modes. Thoughts? |
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