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Ideas for game play
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Author:  Ole' Hog Bowel [ Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Ideas for game play

Back in the day we used to play a fun game where all you can use is the hook and your rune. Everyone runs around grappling each other and if you get the orb or electric rune, etc. you kick ass.

It would be cool to have a "gauntlet" style game too, where you get everyone to camp except one person, and that person has to try and "run the gauntlet" to see if they can take out the campers.

Is the RA a one-on-one game? Iv'e never played the RA. Is that a shmack server?


Ole' Hog Bowel

Author:  Mysteri [ Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Both sounds fun.... how about a hook rune that takes the hook away from all other players when you get it and activate it.

Author:  Fuzznut [ Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for game play

Ole' Hog Bowel wrote:
Back in the day we used to play a fun game where all you can use is the hook and your rune. Everyone runs around grappling each other and if you get the orb or electric rune, etc. you kick ass.

It would be cool to have a "gauntlet" style game too, where you get everyone to camp except one person, and that person has to try and "run the gauntlet" to see if they can take out the campers.

Is the RA a one-on-one game? Iv'e never played the RA. Is that a shmack server?


Ole' Hog Bowel

Yes RA is on the Shmack server. It's

Author:  L3ftisM [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

vote-fire-disable??? i like it

Author:  Canadian*Sniper [ Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Make a mod where you can't attack, only jump high and damage foes by landing on them (like mario :D)

Author:  L3ftisM [ Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

we used to play a game with the clan ring mod, where we would load the end map, go practice mode, no hook of course, teamplay to no damage for teamplayers and try to kill eatch other in the lava.... whoever had the least negative frags wins... i don't know how many hours we played that ... hahaha..
i thought about making a mod with those settings as default and put everyones spawn points on the lava island, then close off the map where you cant get outside of lava... never did though,,,,too much work...hahaha
it was really fun for a while though, i may do that some night on beatdown for the hell of it again...


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