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 Post subject: ProQuake 3.99a - No -ip parameter needed for DSL
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:01 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
Posts: 1612
Location: Ohio
Download: ProQuake 3.99a

Main features of ProQuake 3.99a:

1. 8 button mouse support
2. No need for -ip parameter with a regular DSL modem.
3. Change resolution on-the-fly in the menu (you don't need -width or -height anymore)
4. Change brightness in-game (you can still use -gamma parameter, looks slightly different without)
5. Play demos automatically by clicking on them. For example, you can click this demo and it will play.
6. Get maximum FPS by turning off vsync and setting FPS in menu.
7. D3DPro.exe version for certain video cards that can't run glpro. It's a Direct3DQuake-style ProQuake. (d3dpro DOES require -width/-height parameters, but like glpro399.exe can adjust brightness in-game).

Other features:

1. Full keyboard bind capability
2. Turn demos to AVI movies just like JoeQuake with capturedemo command.
3. FOV and mouselook are in the menu (no more adding +mlook to your config)
4. Centered crosshair option (or use classic off-centered one)
5. Demo rewind and fast forward via pressing PGUP/PGDN during demo play.

Many other features (viewpos, show_speed 1/0, condump, writeconfig, etc.) and small refinements (change gamedir in-game, etc.). Bug fixes including things such as fixing the ALT-TAB problem that occurs on some video cards that messes up the screen or how some FOV settings mess up the view with some video cards. Source code is available in the project thread.

Works on cheat-free servers as well.

It's easier to setup and you don't need to make an autoexec.cfg or make a config read-only.

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