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What has been your transitional game since quake?
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Author:  John Stryker [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:25 am ]
Post subject:  What has been your transitional game since quake?

I can't find a "next game" to get into. In fact, I still don't like any fps game since quake. Is there another game that you guys felt was a good transition from quake to another game that you like? I'm looking for it, but haven't found it yet. I think that COD is the closest for me.

Seems like I'm 10 years late asking this question...Maybe I'm just old.

Author:  funkify [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What has been your transitional game since quake?

Have you tried QuakeLive (aka Quake 3 in browser form)? You can play for free.

Whenever the mood strikes I like to hit a round or two of CA, Instagib CTF, or regular FFA.

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