my cheating and lies? Ive been caught cheating? Everyone insults me?
I dont know where any of this comes from.
I get along fine with everyone on the server other then bluntz.
You said you have taken demo's of me playing, fine, Post them please.. This will prove im not a cheater.
I ping 15-25 on the server, so yes im going to be a good player.
Why didnt i play on shmack before? Very easy answer to this question, even thought ive explained it many times to you but you just dont seem to listen.
I used to play DM and DM only. when i played back in the day i was in university "4 years" so i played at night.
Now im playing during the day because im off work due medical issue "MCL/ACL". So this means during the day im around.
Now i would love to be playing DM all day long but unfortunately the games are played between 8-2am normally.. "when im doing stuff with the wife".
So what can i do? well i see players on shmack so i decide "ill give this server a try". atfirst i hated it because it doesnt showcase all that much skill.. pressing a button to use a rune doesnt prove you have any aim or can dodge RL's all day.
How so the game unplayable when im on the server? Yes i win most of the time but its not like i get 50 frags and 2nd place has 10 or less.. Hell i dont even win all the time. Royal Lion pings 150 and hes beat me a few times. If im this amazing cheater with speed hacks, bots and anti dieing hacks "quoted from surfer girl" then how come people beat me? with those cheats and 15 ping i would think im pretty unbeatable.
Scoffer please post these demo's of me cheating and let the community decide. If Slotzero believes im cheating i will gladly take a lifetime ban. Since i dont cheat this wont happen anyways.
I even invite Slot himself to come and secretly view me during a game.. use a random name no one knows and follow me around and judge for yourself..
I just find it very odd that the players who are better then scoffer are ALL cheaters.. "quazy, paradise, bluntz, royal lion," just off the top of my head, there are others..
Scoffer just because you cant win unless its in Start, doesnt mean everyone is cheating.. i go to DM and a few players i can not beat no matter what i try in a 1v1.. does this mean they cheat? hell no. just means they outplay me in a 1v1.
Strategy is apart of the game scoffer, I tend to die ALOT less then anyone else, by me staying alive and keeping my weapons and engaging in less in the fuckfest of runes "tornado's, bombs and so on" i will score more frags if i keep my RL, shaft and armour longer then anyone else.
Luckily this is the only place i will have to deal with you. Slotzero informed me of the command to mute you in the game.
So you can come and shit talk but i wont hear it
