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 Post subject: PK3 Support?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:56 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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I've been playing around with pk3 files with DarkPlaces and the advantages of pk3's over pak files is phenomal.

This is just a theoretical list, but I think the following things would make JoeQuake the ultimate:

1. PK3 support

This would allow the ability to easily swap in and out texture packs.

2. QW loc support "I am at RA with 0 armor and 37 health" %L %A %H %R

Unfortunately, it virtually impossible to enjoy a team game without this. I mostly play FFA, but when I am in a team situation, this makes this tough. And ProQuake locs are nearly impossible to make, QW locs are better merely because they don't take 3 hours to make one.


This may be one hard to relate to, but without it, it really removes the ability to admin/supervise a server or be a proactive player. IPLOG pierces the identity of the player if you've played with someone with that IP before and it is about 95% effective usually.


On jump to join servers like IHOC or xCTF, press jump to join a game crashes JoeQuake if CL_SMARTJUMP 1. I don't know why this would be true, but it does.

5. Console not scroll to the end when paging up in-game. It is impossible to scroll back to see what someone said. This is mostly only a problem on FFA servers where death messages are constant.

6. A new cvar_savevars level that saves only the typical Quake cvars -- doesn't save non-standard things like deathmatch value. It messes with some things.

7. A cvar that enables FitzQuake style printing of centerprint to the console. That's one of the best features in FitzQuake. Really makes single player enjoyable.

8. vid_reset - Truth is, I have almost never encountered a situation where JoeQuake would need this command, but I think it happened twice.

9. An optional dzip style external call to a utility called "getmap" that would download and install a zipped map from a URL indicated in a cvar like "mapurl". A missing map could be installed by this utility -- which I can make for Windows -- instead of getting "a2.bsp model not found".

10. Demo record fix. I need to try this in the latest, latest build .. but sometimes I get a hard crash in JoeQuake when trying to record a demo. Seems to happen on RocketGuy's RQuake server a lot.

I think the desire for some to have an in-client server browser is misguided. I've played around with the in-game server browsers in EZQuake and DarkPlaces and while they are convenient, they aren't really very convenient compared to a good external server browser. Internal server browsers are slow and the interface is not that great, and to me it just wouldn't be worth the effort to have one in a client.

I need to finish the JoeQuake Launcher and the FreeQuake Project, I've been preoccupied with getting some other things done lately for the QuakeOne site.

These are just some future ideas for consideration and to some degree me just talking out load. I think JoeQuake is about the perfect engine.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:48 am 
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link! we need links! :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:49 pm 

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Canadian*Sniper wrote:
link! we need links! :D

Links to what?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:32 pm 
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Baker wrote:
Canadian*Sniper wrote:
link! we need links! :D

Links to what?

well you see, I didn't really read most of it. I just saw the QW loc bla bla and wanted a link to whatever was compatible with it :D


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:34 pm 

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Canadian*Sniper wrote:
well you see, I didn't really read most of it. I just saw the QW loc bla bla and wanted a link to whatever was compatible with it :D


Um, Quakeworld clients. :roll:

Although there have been 2 or 3 Quake engines in the past that supported QuakeWorld-style locs.

ProQuake style locs are more accurate, but require mentally dividing up the map into boxes and it can take 3 hours to make one.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:47 pm 
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I had tried and started working on an ingame loc maker, though it didnt work 100% it did append "thisiswhereiamstanding" user created variable to the map.loc file :/ maybe ill try to remake that again.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:46 pm 

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sputnikutah wrote:
I had tried and started working on an ingame loc maker, though it didnt work 100% it did append "thisiswhereiamstanding" user created variable to the map.loc file :/ maybe ill try to remake that again.

I think JoeQuake, QRack and DarkPlaces could all benefit from having say_team %L %A %H and supporting the QW loc file format, either with or without supporting the ProQuake style.

I've built loc files for ProQuake, and it involves mentally drawing a series of boxes and takes an extraordinary amount of time to get it right. The accuracy of the ProQuake format is better, but it is better to have them for maps than not have them at all (if you know what I mean).

I have a method that use with CRMOD to run around in-admin mode and do viewpos and record it to a log. I'd like to loc all the QuakeOne map pack but I can imagine would take 70 hours to do all 31 maps, unless I found a volunteer to do this, I can't see that ever hitting a high enough priority in my list to do anytime soon (it would be months out).

I love custom maps, but without loc files it is not as fun.

And I'd love to see loc file support in JoeQuake as not having any of that ability makes it hard to enjoy a game of CAx.

Just ideas for the future, I have some launchers to make. :D :D :D

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:29 pm 
PK3 support would enable me to use Urban Terror maps inside Quake
*wets himself*

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