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 Post subject: Anyone able to help a beginner sort a few settings out?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:36 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:43 pm
Posts: 4
Hi just got a few questions in helping me set this thing up. I've downloaded version joequake-v0.15b1329-win32.

A major problem I have is that sometimes when I pick up an item my mouse movement seems to sort of freeze for about a half second. I think my moving keys a-s-a-d are unaffected. It can be really annoying when I pick up a bunch of items it really interferes with my movement. Anyone encountered this or know what I've done wrong?

Also, whenever i quit it doesn't save any of my settings, that includes custom controls, what visual settings like trillinear and detailed textures and also things like setting show_stats to 0. Whenever i restart these are all set to the default.

I have installed several additions including mission packs #1 and #2, q!zone and malice, and also a nice epsiode i found called "contract revoked", do i need seperate settings files for these or do they all pull from one config file? Malice looks really nice in joequake with all the extra settings by the way, (although the menu is replaced with a quake one instead of malices and the options don't line up to what you select on the main menu.). However it still sure beats using regular glquake and idgamma, and proquake doesn't even load malice's first level without an error.

I apoligise in advance since I'm rather new to this whole thing. I've tried a fair few different engines and I'm very impressed with joequake if i could resolve these little niggles it'd be perfect for me. Cheers.

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 Post subject: Re: Anyone able to help a beginner sort a few settings out?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:43 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
Posts: 1612
Location: Ohio
Xazuki wrote:
Hi just got a few questions in helping me set this thing up. I've downloaded version joequake-v0.15b1329-win32.

A major problem I have is that sometimes when I pick up an item my mouse movement seems to sort of freeze for about a half second. I think my moving keys a-s-a-d are unaffected. It can be really annoying when I pick up a bunch of items it really interferes with my movement. Anyone encountered this or know what I've done wrong?

Also, whenever i quit it doesn't save any of my settings, that includes custom controls, what visual settings like trillinear and detailed textures and also things like setting show_stats to 0. Whenever i restart these are all set to the default.

I have installed several additions including mission packs #1 and #2, q!zone and malice, and also a nice epsiode i found called "contract revoked", do i need seperate settings files for these or do they all pull from one config file? Malice looks really nice in joequake with all the extra settings by the way, (although the menu is replaced with a quake one instead of malices and the options don't line up to what you select on the main menu.). However it still sure beats using regular glquake and idgamma, and proquake doesn't even load malice's first level without an error.

I apoligise in advance since I'm rather new to this whole thing. I've tried a fair few different engines and I'm very impressed with joequake if i could resolve these little niggles it'd be perfect for me. Cheers.

Add -mem 32 to the command line and it should solve your sound issue.

If it doesn't post back. JoeQuake almost requires -mem 32, especially if using textures and effects.

c:\quake\joequake-gl -width 1024 -height 768 -conwidth 512 -conheight 384 -bpp32 -mem 32

Also: JoeQuake 0.15 does not save settings by default. Type cvar_savevars 1 in the console and it will from the moment you do that onward.

(I've noticed ... or at least I think I have, that JoeQuake 0.15 doesn't save settings for, say, Mission Packs and any other gamedir game into the gamedir folder and seems to use your standard config.cfg in c:\quake\joequake. Most of the time, honestly, this is more convenient but for some mods with very wild configs it isn't. )

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:25 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:43 pm
Posts: 4
This has been very helpful here's an update so far.

joequake saves settings from now on which is nice. All mods i run seem to include the autoexec.cfg in the joequake folder, however each mod folder gets its own config.cfg file which is updated when i change variables from in each mod. That seems to be all sorted now, cheers.

It seems the momentary mouse freezing was due to windows media player in the background, which i use to the play the quake soundtrack (got to love the sound of it) i ripped from the cd. I tried switching to VLC media player, however that results in a different but equally unfortunate occurance, instead of stuttering the mouse movement it stutters the current track being played for a half second. I've no idea what I should be doing here.

Tried out your command lines but to no avail, what does -mem 32 actually do by the way? Thanks for your help once again.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:46 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
Posts: 1612
Location: Ohio
-mem 32 increases the memory allocation. When I'm using 24 bit textures, I get a little bit of a slow down sometimes even in single player when JoeQuake does audio sometimes. When I use -32 mem, I don't get that issue and it has helped many others as well.

I couldn't tell you what to do about the sound. That's a second application running in the background and might just be an inherent issue you might have to deal with.

I myself have always used the -cdnoaudio parameter with Quake, mostly because I use JoeQuake a lot on the internet for multiplayer. :D Although I find JoeQuake a dream come true for single player due to all the convenient stuff plus the Nehahra support.

(I'll have to dig up my old Quake CD, it's probably been 1996 since I've used the music, heheheh. I installed it an then put the CD away.) :D

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:25 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:43 pm
Posts: 4
Heh, I do recomment digging out your old CD and istening to the music sometime, really gives quake a sinister edge, especially the whispering track man that gets me a everytime.

EDIT: scratch that, i thought that adding -dinput fixed the mouse freezing thing but now its doing it again, really not sure why, shame.

Here's another question, when ever I activate detailed textures everything looks rather... Is this normal?

I've also looked in to this Nehahra mod, nice nice, thats a heck ofa long intro! Hmm quick question if we don't mind, i think the music was playing in the intro, but are the music files meant to play while actually playing the levels? As they weren't for me.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 9:17 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
Posts: 1612
Location: Ohio
Xazuki wrote:
Here's another question, when ever I activate detailed textures everything looks rather... Is this normal?

I'm not sure what you mean, but I have heard that some describe the effect of lighting on 24-bit textures as a little greenish. Maybe I'm used to it or use different settings.

I don't use lit files (colored lights) or anything like that. I would say some of the appearance is determined by the settings in Video Options.

Plus I use -bpp 16 and NOT -bpp 32, so maybe the greenish thing doesn't appear for me due to that.

Hard to say.

I've also looked in to this Nehahra mod, nice nice, thats a heck ofa long intro! Hmm quick question if we don't mind, i think the music was playing in the intro, but are the music files meant to play while actually playing the levels? As they weren't for me.

That's outside my field of expertise, I haven't played Nehahra in about a year and don't remember anything about this music. I generally don't like music in-game and might have turned it off if it were on.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:17 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:43 pm
Posts: 4
Well just posting to say thanks for your help baker it's been invaluable. Just about tinkered all the settings to my liking. Playing mp3's in the background with iTunes rather then vlc or wmp seems to avoid the stuttreing so i'm fine there. Also managed to set all the settings nicely everything so once again respect to all those involved with this great engine.

Now time for the ultimate quake marathon! quake, hipnotic, rogue, q!zone, malice, contract revoked, contract revoked lost chapters, abyss of pandemonium, beyond belief, descent, insomnia, zerstorer and last but not least nerhahra.

Hmm, single player bliss!

Cheers once again!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:31 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
Posts: 1612
Location: Ohio
Sounds like some fun. Hey if you particularly enjoy any of those, you should write a mini-review of one of them and post it at

Sharing the word on thoughts and opinions of single player episodes is something that is valuable to others looking for some single player action.

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