Making an AVI Quake Movie 101.1
View a Video I Made Using Instructions Below- 5.3 MB
1) You must use JoeQuake
GL --- keyword = GL.
Make sure you have the latest one, download it at:
2) You must have a good DivX codec (you can get a great one here )
The DivX codec that was installed on my desktop computer from a digital camera would not allow me to record. I downloaded and installed the one from the above link and I was ready to go!
3) You must have your demo in quake\id1 (such as mygame.dem). So look in c:\quake\id1 or "c:\program files\quake\id1" to see if your demo is where it needs to be.
Some Quake installs go to c:\quake, but the newer CD's it will install to "c:program files\quake". Whichever applies, make sure your demo is in the quake\id1 folder.
If you need a demo, for now, one place to get one is in IEEE's demo library.
There are also numerous ones like at including some record setting Speedrunner demos. These are in the .dz format, which is a compressed .dem file natively supported by JoeQuake.
4) Start JoeQuakeGL, using the -window parameter. Suggested command lines.
If your Quake is in c:\quake ...
Click Start, Click Run and type ....
c:\quake\joequake-gl.exe -window -width 640 -height 480 -zone 8192
If your Quake is in c:\program files\quake
Click Start, Click Run and type
"c:\program files\quake\joequake-gl.exe" -window -width 640 -height 480 -zone 8192
Notice the quotes in the above line, you NEED them.
5) You are now at the console in JoeQuake. Adjust your Gamma/Contrast and particle effects
1) Go to Menu Options and Set the Gamma/Contrast slider bars. You want everything to be bright as possible, generally speaking.
2) Go to Menu and Video Option and turn on particle effects to make your video jazzy. I recommend turning on every one of the cool settings in Video Options.
Now go to the console by pressing Escape until you are there.
6) Execute these commands ...
capture_codec divx
capture_fps 15
host_framerate 15
capturedemo mydemo
(now patiently wait)
7) If all went well, your completed Quake movie resides in c:\quake\capture or "c:\program files\quake\capture" as an AVI movie.
Congratulations, you have completed your first Quake movie using JoeQuake!!!!