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OMG! crash with Rogue's alt weapons!
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Author:  dodada90 [ Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  OMG! crash with Rogue's alt weapons!

when playing the Rogue (Mission Pack 2) when ever i use the alt grenade launcher or alt lightning gun the game crashed with this...

"CL_ParseTEnt: bad type"

in JoeQuake GL and non GL... dosnt happen in WinQuake or GLQuake .98.. i havent tryed it in any other port.. i hope you have this and can test it/fix it *prays*

JoeQuake is still the best! every other port crashes in Quake after the 1st level or 5 mins.. so, yeah, anyway keep up the great work!


Author:  Jozsef [ Thu Nov 27, 2003 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah, right
I've accidentaly removed color mapped explosions :roll:
I've just added it back with QMB style as well

Author:  suicidal [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 10:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jozsef wrote:
yeah, right
I've accidentaly removed color mapped explosions :roll:
I've just added it back with QMB style as well

so any updates? :wink: :P 8)

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