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Strange things happen to windows when closing quake
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Author:  Cyborg [ Mon Sep 20, 2004 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Strange things happen to windows when closing quake

Hi there!

When closing quake (joequake or winquake) the task bar is enlarged to the double size and the startbutton turns blue. Sometimes mirc changes color too. It's really annoying. It also makes winamp move around the playlist and equalizer windows. Could this be fixed? Or is it just a windows related bug?


Author:  Stubgaard [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I got those annoying problems alot too when using my old computer, but on my new one there's no problem at all, so I reckon it's a Windows related problem.

Author:  desh [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm pretty sure this is a windows related bug. Do you have win2k? I find that this only happens to me with win2k; win98 and winXP (only other winOS i've used) do not seem to have this same problem. I think i only get this problem with software quake clients only, I have yet to see this problem with a GL quake client.

Author:  13Homer [ Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:00 am ]
Post subject: 

desh wrote:
[..] this only happens [...] with win2k; [...] winXP [...] do not seem to have this same problem.[...]

I've XP (+SP1) and recently something like that happened to me a few times after (AIR) HalfLife exit.

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